Sep 5, 2019
If you haven't heard the Case Of The Lost Swag or need to be refreshed about the episode please go back and take a listen so this episode makes more sense to you. Kerry witta K caught up with Latino Nino for an update on his situation. We apologize for the long wait between shows and we can tell by the downloads that...
May 5, 2019
KerrywittaK gives positive Black father statistics that we didn't know. JR Rydha tells you the ways you can love a Black Man. The fellas also discuss celebrity relationship advice.
Mar 24, 2019
Kerry Witta K takes on a full discussion of rape culture with guests Millz and J Source.
Jan 15, 2019
Kerry witta K explains what Masturbation Encouragement porn is while JR Rydha offers some new age dating tips. The fellas also answer a few listener questions and discuss Black Marital Failure and how to combat it.
Jan 2, 2019
Contact info: Kerry witta K - 510 688-9508
Twitter: grownmenchoppin
Instagram: grownmenchoppingitup
Kerry witta K gives fellas 5 date ideas to consider when taking a lady out and JR Rydha discusses if it possible for men...