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Grownmenchoppingitup is a podcast by brothers, JRydha and Kerry witta K. Their job is to untangle the problems and issues that couples have together and separately and show you how to navigate the treacherous waters of love and happiness.

Nov 26, 2015

JR Rydha talks about ways a single woman can find a man. Kerry Witta K discusses categories of women most likely to cheat. The fellas also share dry humping stories.

Nov 19, 2015

Kerry witta K helps you find out if you have a relationship of convenience. JR Rydha talks about what age difference is ideal for a successful relationship. The fellas also discuss what you would do if after 16 years your wife revealed she was not in love with you.

Nov 5, 2015

Kerry witta K talks about reasons why some men are afraid of commitment. J Rydha talks about if a man should have a bachelor party if his girl doesn't want him to. They also discuss how to be a chick magnet.